Currently, images are a core element of any email, but putting them on the header doesn’t make it a good one. The future of email design is technologically advanced and excitingly interactive. Check out our new Email Verification Service now in BETA and available for everyone. "As intelligence enables scalable right content, right send patterns, for individuals, the value and need for traditional segmentation diminishes. "Another key reason is to do with education of email marketers... or lack thereof. The Email Marketing And Marketing Automation toolkit contains: Start your Digital Marketing Plan today with our Free membership. An email marketing enthusiast with a millennial approach. In some cases), they can set the tone for your email, help some colors appear more saturated or intense and they definitely stand out in an inbox. Email has always been one of those channels that marketers seem to ‘fall into’ on their way to doing something else, and as such historically most email marketers have learned all they know from their own experience – picking up things as they go on. love. Neat, huh? Which is why visually striking and technologically advanced emails will be the face of email design in 2020. Research of this kind, exploring how consumers are surfing the web and purchasing in the digital space, has been the driver behind an array of mobile-focused changes: All of these developments are, quite simply, responses to changes in the way we're using technology and the internet. So you’ve made the decision to make your website accessible for people with disabilities. You feel that you ‘should’ run an A/B Split test and so go to your technology, select to run a subject line test and out of thin air and with no research or hypothesis, throw together two subject lines to test. A methodology of testing where the marketer leads the test by forming hypotheses and then uses technology to perform the test, rather than letting the technology lead the test - as was done in days of old. And then become disappointed because there wasn’t a winner due to the subject lines being too similar. Some of the trends we’ve talked about today may take a bit longer to come to life or change completely depending on science, psychology and human behavior. If you like this article, share it with friends: AMP is more lightweight and has a shorter loading time. With that being said, emails should be short, straight to the point and clear to understand. If you feel like you might need to refresh your email design, maybe it’s time to switch from 2D to 3D and give your emails a completely new dimension. Chad reinforces Tim’s point: be it segmentation, personalization, or frequency of email sending, every aspect of email marketing in 2020 will be striving to provide the most relevant communications at the optimum time. To cut through the noise in your subscriber’s inbox, you need to stay in the know with the top email design trends that will make it to 2020. Want to know the latest email design trends to incorporate into your email campaigns? More segments and more dynamic segmentation is the future of targeting.". But which visual design trends will shape the look of emails in the 2020s? If you feel like 3D graphics might be a little too much for your email, as it can be time-consuming, there is still a way to make your messages pop with another design trend that we see is gaining more popularity this year. That’s why email design will become even simpler this coming year, stripping busy graphics and walls of text in order to attract consumers. As Chad S. White explains, the EU’s milestone data privacy law is really just the start for creating an email marketing arena that’s centred around privacy, compliance and subscribers' trust: "First, there was CASL (Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation). Rather, it has turned email marketing into a stronger means of communication, injecting consumer trust back into this marketing channel. You don’t spend time going through each promotional email. E-commerce inbound marketing means attracting customers to your online store with engaging and relevant content to increase sales and conversions E-commerce has rocketed over the last 12 months – and with it, inbound marketing tactics by savvy e-commerce marketers have ….. Mobile optimization is not a simple process since the coding behind your emails is important in allowing them to collapse down into a mobile-viewable format. Here, we have curated a few trends that we believe need to be part of the email you will be sending in the new year for … Most email service providers give you the ability to render emails across a range of devices, so it’s worth checking that your emails are providing a suitable user experience across all devices (and not just desktop when sending test emails to your work computer). They have a passion for improvement, which is driving them to look beyond the basic A/B split testing tools that ESP’s offer and question, ‘should I let technology lead my test or should I, the marketer, take charge?’". email marketing. Digital marketing rules the world, but this also means there’s a constant race to get noticed by users. Reduce the noise in your message, by only sticking to essentials. What's more, with the surge in wearable technologies, the space that we as digital marketers have to work with is becoming increasingly limited (and, thus, more competitive). "Email will still remain one of the best ways to communicate with those that want to hear from you. It's understandable that not all companies have dedicated copywriters or UX design experts in-house. Keeping up with the latest graphic design trends in your email marketing can be exhausting, especially if you aren’t a designer and have other tasks that take priority. By going bold and removing all the unnecessary fluff, you will stand out among your competitors. If this starting point is well thought out and you know the end goal that you seek to reach, you are more likely to design an A/B test that will drive higher levels of engagement. You can use them to highlight an important part of your email as they definitely stand out. Hopefully, we will soon see it implemented within Google's inbox. Isometric illustration. The aim of providing the right message for each person will never change it’s the method to achieve it that changes. By continuing As technological innovation continues to reshape email marketing, it’s reassuring to know that there’s plenty you can do at every level of your strategy to improve results. "The main email applications are copy writing and dynamic content selection. You can use professional modeling software like Blender or Poser, opt for tools that cater more towards beginners, or even use Photoshop to turn your 2D images into 3D visuals without much training. That’s why we've gathered 4 important marketing trends that will be essential for your campaigns throughout 2020. Explore new tools to boost your marketing strategy in 2021. They made an interesting piece by incorporating art into their font. Visit for more information. The ones we've covered last year are still very much up to date and it’s worth taking them into consideration while building your email campaigns. Email marketing has defied its critics in continuing to provide an array of benefits to marketers, from building trust to providing some of the greatest ROIs of any digital channel. In turn, we can reap the rewards by successfully encouraging higher levels of engagement with the emails we're sending. The reason for this is simple: Most popular email platforms don’t actually support embedded video. There are multiple reasons as to why it’s taking off now, but one of the main reasons I’ve found is that email is finally being appreciated as a high ROI-delivering channel and people want to ensure they’re not leaving money on the table. GDPR ruffled a lot of feathers when it was introduced back in May 2018, but it was never designed to destroy email marketing. Furthermore, it’s consistently rising to be the biggest form of communication between you and your subscribers. By using these templates, you can easily incorporate all of the top email design trends in 2020 — from videos to user-generated content to feedback and more. What's more, this year's DMA Email Benchmarking Report highlighted how email marketing has been reinvigorated following the introduction of the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Kath has lived and breathed email marketing for over 20 years. 01. Large images often appear correctly on desktop but cause major issues on mobiles with their restricted, and highly varied, viewports. That’s why, with the start of a new decade, automation will improve. He is an independent email marketing consultant providing strategic guidance, to deliver improved campaign results. 65% of respondents said that in the past 12 months they had used email to communicate with organizations, putting email head and shoulders above the rest. work with them. Design and Technology - so you can kick off the year strong and be prepared for any challenges. Another example would be an electronics store where you can buy integrated home devices along with phones, computers, and software. Just imagine, with artificial intelligence managing each individual across the channels, customer experience will be truly integrated and immersive. The only downside is that as of now, Gmail App and Gmail Desktop don’t support it. Then, you can send an email or notification to their phone once they are close to one of your cafes. Not only that, but you should also create your emails with mobile users as main recipients in mind. Go bold and go simple Monochrome is so in right now. It does follow a couple of rules to work properly, but once you get the hang of the basics, creating it is pretty simple. There is no denying that email is the number one choice as a marketing channel among marketers. Having seen first-hand the benefits that GDPR has brought to email marketing across the EU, we are certain that this wave of data privacy laws across North America will only improve the returns we can all achieve as email marketers. With email constantly changing and adapting, you need to strive towards creating the best experience for your subscribers. app or website. Crucially, however, mobile’s percentage revenue has increased by 23% year-on-year, resulting in an acceleration of mobile optimization across almost every digital marketing channel. Want to know what else you should be aware of as we head into the new year? Joolz Joseph FCIM MIDM is an Email Consultant and Trainer with over 25 years of sales and marketing experience. The way that different demographics are engaging with your emails is changing, and that should be the basis for how you decide to interact with your subscribers as we enter 2020. When you check email on mobile, you usually do it on the go or as a break from more time-consuming tasks. From there, you’ll draw conclusions that can inform and improve your strategy moving forward, allowing you to generate even greater returns from email marketing’s already sky-high ROI. You can even decide to change the route and create some optical illusions that will imitate a three-dimensional appearance. If you're a company communicating with both B2B and B2C subscribers, for example, dynamic content allows you to populate parts of newsletters or promotional emails with content that is specific to the subscriber's interests or sector. Accelerated Mobile Pages is a new technology that allows you to include interactive elements into your email body. The majority of research carried out into email open rates has now concluded that mobile is providing a greater number of email opens than desktop, mirroring mobile shifts across the digital marketing spectrum. The industry is ever-evolving and the competition can be fierce. Make the most of Elastic Email's platform through It’s not scalable enough to successfully perform a one-customer experience as we are usually promised to have. This trend is most relevant to brands with relatively varied audiences or many and diverse products (SKUs). We consume more email on our mobiles than ever, so a simpler design can be more effective as it is easier to scan quickly. He has worked across various channels in digital marketing, from search engine optimization and web content creation to email marketing and social media. By incorporating A.I. For 2020, we’ll see design trends that bring together the past and future fearlessly! You might want to check their website and see which opportunities you can get. "Segmentation tactics are going to take a big step forward in 2020 as modelling based on recency, frequency, and monetary value becomes easier for brands to embrace. current activity and to track website usage to provide you with the best experience possible. The examples above, courtesy of Reader’s Digest, are exactly the types of copy that will lead to readers switching off midway through an email. "To tell the truth, it’s not so much a prediction as reporting what I am currently seeing….and in my opinion it’s way overdue. More email service providers are offering this functionality, which optimizes the send times of emails to individual subscribers based on their historical open patterns. But keeping up with new design trends is the easiest way to signal to your audience that you’re a modern, innovative, forward-thinking company. emails. by Anna Wybieralska Don’t jump between three subjects within a single email, but instead, focus on one main topic. BEE can help support your email marketing in 2019, 2020, and beyond with its large collection of stunning email templates. It could be that we, as recipients, got so used to seeing emails as they usually are, but dark designs just seem more appealing and eye-catching than the classic ones. Here’s what … Even with some rendering difficulties, using web fonts is a very common practice. We've taken a look at all the big digital marketing trends for 2020 that you need to keep on top of. Whichever channel is being used to interact with your business, you need to be certain that the user experience for that channel has been tested across different devices, email clients and browsers. This strategy is becoming popular across the board in design, and not only in emails. The dark mode is taking email by storm. Want to refine your email strategy and avoid the most common mistakes? You want your email copy to do enough to encourage a click-through, but you should also ask yourself what information you can withhold in order to make the copy concise enough for mobile viewing. Email Monks share their email design trends for 2020 in this infographic. As long as your business exists, investment in marketing is a vital contributor to your success. Currently, if you want your email design to excite your audience, you can use looped animations like GIFs. Outside the world of marketing, things are increasingly unpredictable. Intensifying minimalism . This kind of design enables organisations to deliver timely, fresh and punchy content on a frequent basis. Big data underpins AI's development, and it will continue to have a huge role to play going into 2020. Over the course of a few years, cross-channel marketing has become very popular. It’s likely that you’re already using data-driven marketing in one way or another. It has a clear message, a standout design and it certainly looks different than the usual emails you receive. Then GDPR. Mobile browsing has now surpassed desktop browsing in terms of percentage traffic: This percentage share of traffic for mobile is not, for now, being matched in terms of where the majority of purchases are being made. We’ve already talked about the requirements you need to meet in order for AMP emails to be displayed correctly, but let’s talk more about its advantages. Given the returns we receive from email, the trust it allows you to build between existing and potential customers and the ways in which it is set to develop into the next decade, it's a channel that you should certainly feel confident investing in. After all, marketing is as much about moving with the flow of the industry as it is adapting to your own needs and objectives. Dynamic content is an area that you may not currently be aware of, but which you could certainly be using. 5 Trends The Best Ad Campaigns Of 2020 Are Spearheading. For most email marketers though, the area where you can make instant improvements to optimize for mobile is in your copy, images and overall design and layout. It means that your subscribers no longer need to be redirected to your page. Email Marketing Highlights . Learn more about tools that email marketers While you can’t predict exactly what will happen, you can give yourself a head start with the email marketing stats and trends that can help guide your strategy in 2020 and beyond. As beautiful as it is, the concept might be still a little far-fetched. In general, all of these things in 2020 still have some space to grow. Want to know the latest email design trends to incorporate into your email campaigns? Artificial Intelligence, or AI, is a term that seems to scare a lot of marketers, particularly if you’ve spent most of your career in traditional forms of marketing and advertising. For those who want to integrate email into the With the year 2020 within reach, we’re about to enter a new decade of email design. With this data, you can send out a single email where content blocks populate with a variety of dynamic content depending on the user that you’re sending to. And if you want to take a different approach, you can even decide to completely lose the pictures and focus solely on typography. Email is no longer a set of words with a nice picture attached to it in order to attract attention. Get Your Email Design This feature is quite handy with creating email sequences without extra hassle. Here’s … 3 email design trends of 2020 1. The image appears on the first fold to encourage further scrolling. You can even take it further, monitoring the average time they pick up their coffee, and once in a while, send them a discount 20 minutes before their usual order. "AI is a clear trend, though often misunderstood. As per Litmus research, over 43% of all emails sent through 2019 were opened on smartphones or tablets. Let’s say you run a chain of cafes and customers download your application. Our attention spans are reducing and it makes sense that email design addresses this. It follows a simple set of rules and commands, so understanding the mechanics actually takes just a few minutes. businesses rather than being seen as a cost centre. But you can include a video that can be clicked to watch. For far too long, cold emailing, spamming and phishing have tainted email’s perception among consumers and marketers alike. Are you looking for ways to improve your email marketing strategy in 2020? Elastic Email uses cookies to determine your access privileges on our website, to complete and support a Email marketing technological trends of 2020 According to the newest Radicati report, there are over 3.9 billion email users worldwide. For those who want to send Unlimited The best email designs in 2020 will be a perfect combination of impeccable visual appeal and impressive use of technology. Instead, they will be able to make all necessary actions directly through their inbox. Email marketing; Content marketing; Logo design; Pay per Click; Contact; Search for: Tell us about your project; Email Marketing Blunders to Avoid: 39 Stats & Trends for 2020 [Infographic] Are you struggling to achieve success with your email marketing campaigns? Marketing automation is centred around providing the most relevant content at the most suitable time to a specific individual or group, be they existing or potential customers. A/B testing is a fantastic means of optimizing the wording and content of your emails to provide the greatest possible levels of engagement and ROI. The 3D graphics can elevate your email, showing your products or services in a completely different way with more life and depth. Others will embrace it to better match email frequency to engagement levels and to maximize customer value. But in 2020, we may see an evolution of modern typography. Jan 10, 2020, Elastic Email » Blog » Email Marketing Tips » Top 10 email marketing trends of 2020. "Unlike social media where you can switch between platforms at a moment’s notice; follow / unfollow, like or unlike with one click, email will remain consistent as a platform that allows one-to-one communication to an inbox that is well established and part of your daily routine, both within business and leisure.". Another huge email design trend in 2020 is interactivity. If you’re getting by on limited resources though, then you can start improving the returns you achieve from email marketing through the simple process of simplification. Last year we wrote that email automation will have a great impact on creating campaigns and we weren’t wrong. Do a test and put yourself in your subscribers' shoes. In short, the various benefits are making people turn this feature on which makes it a good idea to explore the possibilities of beautiful, moody email designs. In a recent partner email of ours, you can see how short copy can provide both a cleanly presented email on desktop and an optimized experience for subscribers opening the email on mobile: This report is concisely described in the copy, meaning there is sufficient white space to create an easy reading experience on desktop. An infographic by email software and service provider Email Monks outlines what it considers the top 9 design trends for the coming year, including the following: 1. Discover expert tips and latest updates about Resist the need to put more pictures and include extensive paragraphs about your new feature. "Email marketing now offers credible career paths, and as such the modern-day email marketer is looking beyond just learning from their technology but are avidly reading, taking courses and asking questions in forums and sharing knowledge. The manual process of segmenting recipients, using data that's usually collected during the signup process, is already being replaced by software that’s more efficient and more intelligent than humans. 2020 will see a shift away from photography towards illustrations. Building on her previous comment, Joolz adds: “With recipients leading increasingly busy lives and a tendency to read emails on the go, there is a trend towards simpler email design, often minimalistic in style. Email design trends in the coming year will include making specific sections shareable, asking for feedback in the email and creating own icons for pointers. It’s about time – the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) was passed in 1990. In 2020 a lot of focus has been placed on creating email campaigns that not only look beautiful but that also account for growing changes in technology across email clients and devices. You can save this one for the blog and link the article instead. With roughly 250 million smart speakers to be installed worldwide by 2020, smart email marketers are already designing with accessibility at the forefront. Media is being consumed in ways that we could never have envisaged back at the inception of email. Instead, you focus on the specific brand or their CTA in the subject line. There is, however, a lot of room for improvement in the ways that many of us are using this form of testing. That’s why so many tech companies have great design—users expect to … There are many ways to create show-stopping 3D graphics. Over time, simple tweaks to your email content - based upon previous performance - can help to drive extra clicks, downloads, forwards and signups. Now that the majority of recipients are only receiving emails having opted-in to receive them from particular senders, it’s a case of building upon the trust that they’ve shown you. Email to send their emails. It’s a perfect solution if you want your emails to stand out, but you don’t necessarily have a lot of time to produce a complete 3D render. But if you can start to look at “data-driven marketing” from a “customer-driven marketing” perspective, you can start to think how your customers think and create experiences that they will engage with. Fortunately for you, many marketing agencies and email service providers like eSputnik offer support at all stages. That’s why we’ve decided to round up the 2020 email design trends for you, so you can save time and incorporate some of these trends in your own campaigns. The cherry on top: AMP is supported by Gmail,, and Outlook. He does this through building marketing strategies that allow marketers to add value to Choosing simpler options doesn’t mean you need to sacrifice your creativity. Let’s be honest – we’ve all been there. So those are our top 10 picks for this year's email marketing trends, separated by design and technology. Courtesy of Connext Digital, the following infographic outlines seven ways that Artificial Intelligence is reshaping email marketing: Tim Watson, from consultancy Zettasphere, is a Smart Insights expert commentator on email marketing. Testing has always been an indispensable step in the sending process. Dive deeper into HubSpot's survey data by clicking the download button on the banner below. Also, emails created with AMP is more lightweight and has a shorter loading time. Your pre-send checklist for flawless email campaigns, 6 trends to adapt in your email marketing, Everything you need to know about designing emails for dark mode. Some marketers are embracing it to better manage their engagement rates and improve their deliverability rates, especially at Gmail. It can also help you focus more and save your battery’s life. The first thing that your subscribers notice is the design of your email. 2020 Major Email Marketing Trends for B2C: Improve Your Marketing Strategy with eSputnik Today Trends this year continue to gravitate toward … It’s not only going to be pretty lettering but a centerpiece of email, combining animation, shapes and including it into email graphics. They constantly evolve based on consumers' and marketers' needs. This popular format doesn’t weigh much and it’s all the rage especially with younger subscribers. It can be hard to believe that the concept of email marketing is more than 40 years old. Now that emails can be viewed across so many different devices, however, you should be taking the time to guarantee that your emails are rendering across every device type. With this trend consistently going up, it’s important to always optimize emails accordingly. Are you making an impact quickly enough?”. Importantly, it will bring with it a whole range of applications in terms of the levels of personalization and segmentation we’re capable of providing. The technology in AI systems goes above and beyond anything email marketers have previously had access to, but there's so much more we could be doing with our current systems and databases. "Personalization in all of its forms will continue to grow, but the personalization of send time will be one of the fastest growing forms. One thing is clear: email marketing is here to stay, which is further highlighted by Email Monday's 'The Future of Email Marketing'. It's proven to be better for late-night internet scrolling and for users suffering from photophobia, keratoconus, or similar conditions. Get advice from the Elastic Email Customer Concise copy means the first CTA is seen early, on the second fold, so the recipient doesn’t have to scroll through fold-after-fold of heavy copy before they reach a CTA button (copy that could be held back and used on the landing page instead). Email design trends and inspiration for 2020 . Your sign-up process provides you with plenty of user data that allows you to segment them by interest, location, or demographic. The results (and rewards) to be obtained from A/B testing are entirely defined by your starting point. The benefits of this kind of copy are even clearer when you view the email on mobile: The process of rendering has always been important when sending mass email communications. This doesn’t just apply to email testing - across your digital marketing, you should consider exactly how the changes you are making will affect your users. Go all the way. Email Marketing Design Trends to Revamp Your Email Strategy in 2020 January 22, 2020 Email , GetResponse , Marketing Leave a comment 35 Views If you want your newsletters to stay ahead of the curve year after year, it’s important to keep up with new email design changes and trends. Learn about Elastic Email products and how to We’ve carefully picked the 10 most promising 2020 email marketing trends divided by two main categories. A good example is made by Arte Creative below. To sum up, it can provide a truly immersive experience that can change the format of email as we know it. to use our site, you agree to our Cookie Policy. Trends that dominated designs in 2019 will still be popular in the coming year. Sign up now and join them for free! "I’m predicting that in the Year 2020, that there will be an uptake in robust, hypothesis-led A/B testing. A black and white scale is also among the latest web and email design trends to watch. 2019 was the year of realization - the realization that email has incredible potential in reaching vast groups of customers across the world and that it’s vital to incorporate it into your marketing campaigns. Want to know the latest email design trends to incorporate into your email campaigns? It’s important to keep it fresh and modern. But, what would you say if I told you that there is something even better ahead? At the same time is less personalized and can create issues for designated teams, especially in bigger organizations. Beware of overstated claims of “ it does all the work for you email marketing design trends 2020! 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