Notes: At first, this behaviour was interpreted as evidence that he had been spoiled by the individual attention given to him during his illness. Togo was the best dog that ever traveled the Alaska trail. [citation needed]. This is a dog pedigree, used by breeders and breed enthusiasts to see the ancestry and line-breeding of that individual dog. The pedigree page also contains links to the dogs siblings and progeny (if any exist). Sire: MICRO KENNEL'S TOGO: Dam: HARADRIM'S BAGIDA. Alaskan students started a letter campaign to return Togo to Alaska. Als Schwedisches Warmblut registriert. A title card at the end reveals that while Balto had received a statue in his honor in New York, Togo is remembered in Alaska for making the longest run and for being the true hero of Nome, and his offspring became prized by mushers worldwide for their sledding capabilities. 1858 POL. Born in 1915 and bred by Seppala, Fritz was a … The popular fictional teen sleuth Nancy Drew named a stray terrier after him in the 1937 novel The Whispering Statue. Named after Japanese admiral Togo Heihachiro, he was one of the offspring of Suggen, the former lead sled dog of Leonhard Seppala, a Norwegian sled dog musher. Even though he covered more distance (260 miles) than his co-sledder Balto (55 miles), he didn't get as much fame. The dog appears in most of the Nancy Drew novels. Rebreed Contract * Cooled (US and Canada Only) Frozen. Average amount of offspring per Sire: 6 Average amount of offspring per Dam: 3 The largely unsung hero of Seppala's kennel, Togo's half-brother and also a veteran of the Serum Run, was Fritz. [10], In New England, they competed in several dog sled races against local Chinooks of Arthur Walden and won by huge margins. [7], The National Park Service notes that in 1960, Seppala said "I never had a better dog than Togo. [4], After only a few weeks as a house pet, Togo jumped through the glass of a closed window and ran several miles back to his original master's kennel. Togo's skeleton is mounted separately, and is in the possession of the Peabody Museum of Natural History. [3], Togo was ill as a young puppy and required intensive nursing from Seppala's wife. The actual dog on screen, Togo is supposed to be sort of a mutt, if I’m correct, of a sled dog and other dogs. This is a dog pedigree, used by breeders and breed enthusiasts to see the ancestry and line-breeding of that individual dog. The sled dog who did the lion's share of the work was Togo. Togo, the dog that started the 650-mile run across Alaska during a 1925 storm finished by Balto, finally gets his due in a new movie, “Togo,” streaming Friday on Disney+. Horse: Gens: Highlight: Reports: Maintenance: Subscriptions: Help: Horse: togo4 : TOGO ch. C, EAST PRUSSIAN, 1935 TOGO ch 1935 EAST PRUSSIAN. Copyright © 2021 Pedigree Online, Inc. All rights reserved. To breed for no other reason than to improve on temperament, health and structure while maintaining the breed and it's characteristics. Togo, the dog that started the 650-mile run across Alaska during a 1925 storm finished by Balto, finally gets his due in a new movie, “Togo,” streaming Friday on Disney+. The Heterozygous offspring are now coded with the letters "Na". Seppala called him an "infant prodigy", and later added that "I had found a natural-born leader, something I had tried for years to breed" Togo began training, and after a few years filled the lead dog position. Still today, mushers and Husky owners try to trace their dogs' lineage back to Togo. Breeds categorized by country of origin. When he recovered, Togo stopped attacking other teams' lead dogs. Know offspring: This dog has no offsprings. For dog owners with purebred dogs this is an excellent resource to study their dog's lineage. There is evidence that suggests inbreeding certain animals can have more of a negative impact than a positive one. Note that the calculator also includes other traits like line-bred and polygenic traits, but being less understood, these are indicated in offspring with the possible form. look like he had potential as a sled dog. Eyes were ice blue. Photo credit: Okorie Kalahari Reds, Togo. Togo is a 2019 American drama adventure film directed by Ericson Core and produced by Walt Disney Pictures.The film centers on Leonhard Seppala and his titular sled dog in the 1925 serum run to Nome to transport diphtheria antitoxin serum through harsh conditions during an epidemic of diphtheria.. Conservation Status: As a commercial breed, it is not threatened. Get started finding pedigree and ancestry information for any dog in our database by entering the dog's name in the header search form. We found the right dog, and that was Diesel, who played the adult Togo throughout the film. Seppala was a Norwegian breeder and racer of Siberian huskies from the Chukchi Inuit stock of Siberia. The true story behind Togo confirms that as a result of his relatively small size, illness, and bad behavior as a young puppy, Leonhard Seppala decided that Togo was not sled dog material and gave him away to be a house pet when he was six months old. Rebreed Contract. Togo (1913 – December 5, 1929) was the lead sled dog of Leonhard Seppala and his dog sled team in the 1925 serum run to Nome across central and northern Alaska. His stamina, loyalty and intelligence could not be improved upon. Seppala was a Norwegian breeder and racer of Siberian huskies from the Chukchi Inuit stock of Siberia. The Peabody Museum of Natural History at Yale University has his skeleton in their collection. He only grew to about 48 pounds (22 kg) in adulthood and had a black, brown, and gray coat that made him appear perpetually dirty. [14] Willem Dafoe stars in the film as Leonhard Seppala, the owner of Togo. Initially, he did not look like he had potential as a sled dog. Disney+ Has Given Us A Few Hero And Instead Of A Cape, He Wears A Harness. These offspring battle, breed new offspring, or can be sold on our marketplace. Named after Heihachiro Togo, a Japanese Admiral who fought in the war between Russia and Japan (1904-05), Togo was the lead sled dog of Leonhard Seppala. It's true that before he died Togo sired puppies. [11], After several years of retirement at the Ricker Kennel in Poland Spring, Togo was euthanized on December 5, 1929 at 16 years old. Elizabeth Ricker and Leonhard Seppala established a kennel at Poland Spring Resort (which her husband's family operated) to breed Seppala sled dogs.